Individual training in French as a foreign language


Individual face-to-face programme?

Are you looking for an individual, tailor-made French language course adapted to your pace? We’re here to help! Do you want to be prepared for a trip, an exam or an interview in French? We’re here to help!

Ideal for those who want to learn French in a flexible way, who want to prepare for a specific period or who only need a few hours a week.

At the Institut International Langues & Affaires, our tailor-made and personalised one-to-one courses are designed to meet your specific needs. Each lesson is carefully planned and tailored to your level and personal objectives. Individual, flexible, dynamic and effective, our courses are taught by experienced teachers of French as a foreign language.

At the Institut International Langues & Affaires, we support you from your first e-mail request right through to the end of the course. A free overall assessment and quotation are, of course, provided before the course begins.

Timetables are agreed with you, with lessons lasting one hour or 1? hours, individually or in packages of 5, 10 or 20 hours. With our private French lessons, you can be sure of making rapid and effective progress in French. Contact us now to find out more about our private French lessons and to book your first session with one of our qualified teachers.


CPF, Pôle Emploi,
Companies, Individuals


A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2


From 5/10/20/30H





French at a distance?

This course is also available by distance learning Zoom, Skype, Telephone

Our one-to-one French FLE course is designed to be perfectly adapted to distance learning, allowing you to follow your course without having to travel, whether from home or your workplace. All you need is a computer or tablet and an internet connection.

One of the obvious advantages of this is the time it saves, as well as the flexibility offered by this interactive, blended learning method. Our online courses offer role-playing, listening comprehension exercises, structural exercises and many other interactive and stimulating activities similar to those offered face-to-face.

You can choose to follow 30-minute or 1-hour sessions, depending on your availability. Contact us now to find out more about our one-to-one French language training and to book your first session with one of our qualified teachers.

e-learning cours langue

A 4-point strategy

We've drawn up an effective strategy and programme!


We draw up a full audit of your level and your needs.
• A 98-point level test with detailed diagnosis
• A needs analysis questionnaire
• An individual interview by telephone or video


Our trainer will contact you and draw up a schedule. A training plan is proposed with all the materials and resources.


We support you throughout your training, providing access to materials and resources (exercises, audios, videos) via your extranet space. We regularly assess your progress to guide you on your way.


Depending on the objectives defined at the outset, you can take a TCF, CLOE or LILATE certificate at the end of your course: we are an examination centre.

Compte formation CPF, pole emploi, salariés ou professions libérales, il y a surement un financement prévu pour vous !
Cours individuels
Des cours créés sur mesure avec vous pour vous !
Cours en ligne
Le progrès au service de la flexibilité, pour laisser une petite place à la formation , même quand on a un planning chargé !
Préparez sereinement une certification en langue (TOEIC, CLOE,LILATE, LINGUASKILL ou TCF) et passez-la chez nous !
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About the institute

We will work with you, free of charge, to draw up a complete analysis of your needs and your level of proficiency; we will study the possibilities of financing and all the solutions that may correspond to your objective. We accompany you step by step along the way.

Our team of teachers has been renowned for over twenty years. They have helped thousands of learners from all backgrounds in their desire to learn a language. Our online courses are just as high quality as our face-to-face courses, because we apply the same rigour and the same desire to make your experience unforgettable!

Centre specialising in language training

A team of language training professionals. Our teachers are competent, innovative, qualified and trained in language teaching. The centre has both Qualiopi and Label Qualité FLE certification.

Learn at your own pace

Because every learner is unique, no two courses are the same. We respond to requests while respecting the availability and learning pace of each individual.

Professional certification

Institut International Langues & Affaires is an examination centre for a number of certifications including TOEIC, TCF, LINGUASKILL, CLOE, LILATE, BRIGHT

Find out more

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